Draft Minutes

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

North Greenbush Fire District No. 1
Minutes of the July 8, 2024 BOFC Monthly Meeting

Chairman Brian McCrae called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was
followed by a moment of silence for all departed District Firefighters.
Commissioners Present: Brian McCrae (BM), Nick Scifo (NS), Rich French (RF) and Chris
Wilson (CW) attended. Dan Garab was excused.

Other District Staff: District Counsel Terry Hannigan (TH), Secretary/Treasurer Sean Kerwin
(SK) and Director of Purchasing Robert Durivage (RD) were present.
Public Session: None

MOTION 24M32 was made by RF and seconded by CW approving facility use requests from
DFD. Motion carried.

MOTION 24M33 was made by RF and seconded by CW approving the 2024 DFD Mail
Fundraising Letter to residents. Motion carried.
Approval of Prior Month’s Minutes:

MOTION 24M34 was made by NS and seconded by CW approving the June Minutes. Motion

Treasurer’s Report for the period ending 6/30/2024:
SK presented the Treasurer’s Report (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R39 was made by RF and seconded by NS to accept the Treasurer’s Report as
of June 30, 2024 as presented.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
SK also reported that he received the 2% funds, and they were distributed to DFD & WFD based
on LOSAP percentage for each department.

Approval of Current Month’s Invoices:
SK presented the invoices/vouchers for approval by the Board (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R40 was made by CW and seconded by RF, authorizing the payments of
invoices as presented for a total of $383,045.62, pending final audit and receipt of any necessary
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R41 was made by NS and seconded by RF to authorize the Chairman to sign
the MOU as presented with Rensselaer County for the AFG program.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
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MOTION 24M35 was made by NS and seconded by CW accepting the Final Audit Report –
Regulatory Basis Financial Report YE 2023. SK will also deliver a copy to the North Greenbush
Town Clerk. Motion carried.
MOTION 24M36 was made by RF, seconded by CW to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 PM.
Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Kerwin

June Minute Draft

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

North Greenbush Fire District No. 1
Minutes of the June 10, 2024 BOFC Monthly Meeting
Chairman Brian McCrae called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was
followed by a moment of silence for all departed District Firefighters.
Commissioners Present: Brian McCrae (BM), Nick Scifo (NS) and Dan Garab (DG) attended.
Rich French & Chris Wilson were excused.
Other District Staff: District Counsel Terry Hannigan (TH), Secretary/Treasurer Sean Kerwin
(SK) and Director of Purchasing Robert Durivage (RD) were present.
Public Session: None
RESOLUTION 24R34 was made by DG and seconded by NS approving the purchase
Equipment & Furnishing and approve services to be completed by On Target Landscaping & Air
Cleaning Systems as outlined in Items #1 to #10. The total cost of equipment, furnishings and
services is $87,329.52., the total package was approved up to 91,584.52.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M29 was made by NS and seconded by BM approving the change in date for one
facility use request from DFD. Motion carried.
Approval of Prior Month’s Minutes:
MOTION 24M30 was made by NS and seconded by DG approving the May Minutes. Motion
Treasurer’s Report for the period ending 5/31/2024:
SK presented the Treasurer’s Report (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R35 was made by NS and seconded by DG to accept the Treasurer’s Report
as of May 31, 2024 as presented.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
Approval of Current Month’s Invoices:
SK presented the invoices/vouchers for approval by the Board (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R36 was made by NS and seconded by DG, authorizing the payments of
invoices as presented for a total of $67,7204.62, pending final audit and receipt of any necessary
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R37 was made by DG and seconded by NS approving the purchase of
Citrosqueeze 5 Gallon Cleaner $165.95, Zico Folding Wheelchock R-42 $320.00, 24- Majestic
PAC II Hoods $1,825.00, 5 – Sets of Interior Turnout Gear $27,302.40, 11- Pairs of Boots
$4,777.08, 4 – Sets of Exterior Gear $6,269.56 and DFD & WFD EMS Supplies & Equipment
$1,975.78 for a total cost of $42,635.44.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
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RESOLUTION 24R38 was made by NS and seconded by DG, authorizing the 2023 unexpended
balance of $35,539 be transferred into the Capital Reserve Fund. This may be changed after a
response is sent from the NYSOCS to NGFD No. 1.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M31 was made by NS, seconded by DG to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 PM.
Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Kerwin

Monthly Agenda

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

Monthly Agenda

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                         




Fire District Committee for WFD Building Upgrade:      



DFD President’s Report

WFD President’s Report 











DFD Chief’s Report –

WFD Chief’s Report –


Apparatus/Equipment & Needs Committee                             


District Personnel:                                                                      


Long Range Planning:                                                                

Policies, Procedures & Membership:                                     




Business Operations & Technology:                                    

Development Plan Review                                                       

Firematic Operations:     



The public has the opportunity to listen and observe this meeting live on YouTube at:




Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

The resolution summarized below was adopted by the North Greenbush Fire District No. 1 Board of Fire Commissioners on February 13, 2023 and approved by the electors of the North Greenbush Fire District No. 1 on April 4, 2023, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the North Greenbush Fire District No. 1 is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law that should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit, or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty (20) days after the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the State Constitution.

A Bond Resolution adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of North Greenbush Fire District No.1 in the Town of North Greenbush, County of Rensselaer, State of New York on February 13, 2023 for the objects and purposes of authorizing the partial reconstruction of the Wynantskill Fire Station located at 511 Church Street Wynantskill, New York, including incidental equipment and expenses in connection therewith at a maximum estimated cost of $2,850,000; authorizing the issuance of serial bonds of the Fire District in an amount not to exceed $2,850,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the cost thereof after deducting any federal, state, county, and/or local funds received; pledging the faith and credit of the Fire District for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds; authorizing the expenditure of an amount not to exceed three hundred fifty thousand dollars ($350,000) from the fire district’s building capital reserve account to be used as best determined by the board of fire commissioners to cover a portion of the costs of the project and reduce the total amount of the bonds issued; authorizing the annual levy on all taxable real property of the Fire District, a tax sufficient to pay the principal interest on said bonds as the same becomes due and payable; determining that the period of probable usefulness thereof and maximum maturity of the serial bonds therefor is fifteen (15) years; delegating the power to authorize and sell bond anticipation notes and to fix the details of and to sell serial bonds to the Fire District Treasurer.


A copy of the entire resolution hereinbefore summarized is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Fire District Offices located at the 350 North Greenbush Road, Troy, NY 12180.

Dated: April 5, 2023                                                             Sean Kerwin, Secretary

                                                                                                North Greenbush Fire District No. 1