North Greenbush Fire District No. 1
Minutes of the January 6, 2025 BOFC Monthly Meeting
Chairman Nick Scifo called the meeting to order at 6:52 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a moment of silence for all departed District Firefighters.
Commissioners Present: Nick Scifo (NS), Dan Garab (DG), Rich French (RF), and Brian McCrae (BM) attended.
Other District Staff: District Counsel Terry Hannigan (TH), Secretary/Treasurer Sean Kerwin (SK) and Director of Purchasing Robert Durivage (RD) were present.
MOTION 25M01 was made by RF and seconded by DG to approve Bobby Busta as an administrator for the Key FOB access system for WFD. Motion Carried.
MOTION 25M02 was made by NS and seconded by BM approving the facility use request from WFD. Motion carried.
Approval of Prior Month’s Minutes:
MOTION 25M03 was made by RF and seconded by DG approving the December Minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for the period ending 12/31/2024:
SK presented the Treasurer’s Report (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 25R01 was made by BM and seconded by RF to accept the Treasurer’s Report as of December 31, 2024 as presented.
Chairman Nick Scifo requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
Approval of Current Month’s Invoices:
SK presented the invoices/vouchers for approval by the Board (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 25R02 was made by RF and seconded by NS, authorizing the payments of invoices as presented for a total of $84,182.95, pending final audit and receipt of any necessary paperwork.
Chairman Nick Scifo requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 25M04 was made by DG and seconded by RF to approve Brian McCrae to attend the next commissioners training session at his convenience. Motion Carried.
RESOLUTION 25R03 was made by RF and seconded by NS approving the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 for the refurbishment of DFD Engine Tanker 9-6 (2003 E-One Typhoon) from the Equipment Reserve Fund.; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law. The NGFD BOFC will enter into an agreement/contract with Premier Fire Apparatus pursuant to attorney approval by NGFD with no further Board approval.
Chairman Nick Scifo requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 25R04 was made by NS and seconded by RF approving the purchase of 5 helmet fronts for DFD $245.00, 4 new helmets and 7 helmet fronts for WFD $1,935.00
Chairman Nick Scifo requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 25M05 was made by RF and seconded by BM to approve the driver training applications of Joshua Hogan & Robert W. Miller, Jr. Motion carried.
MOTION 25M06 was made by RF and seconded by NS directing Secretary Kerwin to notify DFD and WFD that any interested parties submit a resume and letter of interest for the one-year open Commissioners position by Friday, February 7, 2025. Motion Carried.
MOTION 25M07 was made by RF and seconded by BM to approve Nicolas Ruiz-Ramos from DFD as a District Firefighter. Motion Carried.
MOTION 25M08 was made RF, seconded by NS to enter (7:51 PM) into Executive Session for the purpose of matters leading to the appointment & employment of individuals, Public Officers Law (105, Sub F). Motion Carried.
MOTION 25M09 was made NS, seconded by BM to exit (9:00 PM) Executive Session, no action taken. Motion Carried.
MOTION 25M10 was made BM, seconded by RF to schedule a special meeting on January 15, 2025 at 6:30 PM for the purpose of interviewing potential candidates. Motion Carried.
MOTION 25M11 was made by RF, seconded by BM to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 PM. Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Kerwin
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