2025 Organizational Meeting Notice

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer


Organizational Meeting and January Monthly Meeting




PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners will be holding their annual organizational meeting on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 6:30pm. The January Monthly Meeting will be held immediately after the completion of the annual organizational meeting. The location of the meetings will be the Fire District Offices located at 350 North Greenbush Road, North Greenbush, New York.






                                                                                                Sean Kerwin

                                                                                                Fire District Secretary

                                                                                                North Greenbush Fire District No. 1

Draft November Minutes

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

North Greenbush Fire District No. 1
Minutes of the November 14, 2024 BOFC Monthly Meeting
Chairman Brian McCrae called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was
followed by a moment of silence for all departed District Firefighters, especially Arthur Dell, Jr.
and Dennis Carl.
Commissioners Present: Brian McCrae (BM), Nick Scifo (NS), Dan Garab (DG), Rich French
(RF) and Chris Wilson (CW) attended.
Other District Staff: Secretary/Treasurer Sean Kerwin (SK) and Director of Purchasing Robert
Durivage (RD) were present.
Public Session: None
RESOLUTION 24R60 was made by RF and seconded by NS approving the purchase of
A new 10 hp SCBA breathing air compressor $46,500, installation of a new IT
Server, door access wireless reader, and AV upgrades for the district (excluding TV’s) $16,000,
Other building-related items (recommendation to set aside) $15,000, Miscellaneous fit-up items
not originally included or forgotten (recommendation to set aside) $2,000. This is all part of the
WFD Capital Project and the funds will come out of the WFD Capital Renovation Bond.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M53 was made by DG and seconded by CW to approve Edward (Eric) Spooner
from DFD and John Hanlon from WFD as District Firefighters. WFD Member Albert Poirier
returned to active firefighter status. Motion Carried.
Approval of Prior Month’s Minutes & Public Hearing for Budget Minutes on 10/15/24:
MOTION 24M54 was made by NS and seconded by RF approving the October Minutes and
Public Hearing on the proposed budget Minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for the period ending 10/31/2024:
SK presented the Treasurer’s Report (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R61 was made by NS and seconded by CW to accept the Treasurer’s Report
as of October 31, 2024 as presented.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
Approval of Current Month’s Invoices:
SK presented the invoices/vouchers for approval by the Board (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R62 was made by DG and seconded by NS, authorizing the payments of
invoices as presented for a total of $205,133.96, pending final audit and receipt of any necessary
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
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RESOLUTION 24R63 was made by BM, seconded by RF, declaring old furniture, old kitchen
equipment and various fire appliances as surplus equipment. The total value of this surplus is
less than $20K and is no longer needed by the Fire District. The Board directed RD to surplus
this equipment and attempt to sell at Auctions International or dispose of the equipment
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R64 was made by BM and seconded by RF approving the quote received from
Bulldog to make several repairs excluding any repairs to the waterway seals. The original quote
cost before excluding waterway repairs was $19,158.03.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M55 was made by RF and seconded by DG to continue discussions with Miller
Animal Hospital about the potential of connecting into the fire district’s sewer line that connects
to the Rensselaer Technology Park. The Board will consider action after they have received a
formal connection plan and have had the opportunity to review it. Motion Carried.
RESOLUTION 24R65 was made by DG and seconded by CW approving the Fire District spend
up to $1,200 for photographs to be taken of all apparatus (excluding chiefs vehicles), framed and
mounted in the District conference room. If the cost exceeds $1,200, then DSG will bring back
the details to the Board.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M56 was made by NS, seconded by RF to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 PM. Motion
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Kerwin

NGFD 2024 Election Notice

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer


In the Town of North Greenbush, Rensselaer County, New York

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of the qualified voters of North Greenbush Fire District No.1 will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.  Voting for qualified voters residing in Town of North Greenbush Election Districts 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be held at the Defreestville Firehouse located at 350 North Greenbush Road Troy, New York 12180.  Voting for qualified voters residing in Town of North Greenbush Election Districts 1, 3, and 7 will be held at the Wynantskill Firehouse located at 511 Church Street Wynantskill New York 12198.

This election is being held for the purposes of:

  1. electing one commissioner for a five-year term, commencing January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2029.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all residents who have resided in North Greenbush Fire District No.1 for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Election and who are duly registered to vote with the Rensselaer County Board of Elections on or before November 18, 2024, the date established by Town Law § 175-a, shall be entitled to vote at this Election.

All candidates for the office of Fire District Commissioner must submit their request in writing to be placed on the ballot to the Secretary of the Fire District, Sean Kerwin, at P.O. Box 3, Wynantskill, New York, 12198, no later than November 20, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

Sean Kerwin, Secretary                                                     

North Greenbush Fire District No.1                                                         

350 North Greenbush Road

Troy, NY 12180

Election Notice

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer



In the Town of North Greenbush, Rensselaer County, New York


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of the qualified voters of North Greenbush Fire District No.1 will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.  Voting for qualified voters residing in Town of North Greenbush Election Districts 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 will be held at the Defreestville Firehouse located at 350 North Greenbush Road Troy, New York 12180.  Voting for qualified voters residing in Town of North Greenbush Election Districts 1, 3, and 7 will be held at the Wynantskill Firehouse located at 511 Church Street Wynantskill New York 12198.


This election is being held for the purposes of:

  • electing one commissioner for a five-year term, commencing January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2029.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all residents who have resided in North Greenbush Fire District No.1 for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Election and who are duly registered to vote with the Rensselaer County Board of Elections on or before November 18, 2024, the date established by Town Law § 175-a, shall be entitled to vote at this Election.


All candidates for the office of Fire District Commissioner must submit their request in writing to be placed on the ballot to the Secretary of the Fire District, Sean Kerwin, at P.O. Box 3, Wynantskill, New York, 12198, no later than November 20, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.




Sean Kerwin, Secretary                                                      Dated:  November 8, 2024

North Greenbush Fire District No.1                                                         

350 North Greenbush Road

Troy, NY 12180

October Minutes – DRAFT

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

North Greenbush Fire District No. 1
Minutes of the October 15, 2024 BOFC Monthly Meeting
Chairman Brian McCrae called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was
followed by a moment of silence for all departed District Firefighters.
Commissioners Present: Brian McCrae (BM), Nick Scifo (NS), Dan Garab (DG), Rich French
(RF) and Chris Wilson (CW) attended.
Other District Staff: District Counsel Terry Hannigan (TH), Secretary/Treasurer Sean Kerwin
(SK) and Director of Purchasing Robert Durivage (RD) were present.
Public Session: None
RESOLUTION 24R51 was made by RF and seconded by CW approving the purchase of a
refurbished Tennant T3 battery powered floor scrubber from National Maintenance Supply &
Service at a cost of $2,775.00 to be utilized at WFD..
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M45 was made by NS and seconded by DG approving the facility use requests
from DFD, noting that the fundraising event is a sanctioned NGFD No. 1 activity. Motion
MOTION 24M46 was made by CW and seconded by RF to approve Caden Slagen from DFD as
a District Firefighter. Motion Carried.
Approval of Prior Month’s Minutes & Budget Workshop Minutes on 9/9/24:
MOTION 24M47 was made by RF and seconded by NS approving the September Minutes and
Budget Workshop Minutes. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for the period ending 9/30/2024:
SK presented the Treasurer’s Report (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R52 was made by CW and seconded by NS to accept the Treasurer’s Report
as of September 30, 2024 as presented.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
Approval of Current Month’s Invoices:
SK presented the invoices/vouchers for approval by the Board (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R53 was made by CW and seconded by NS, authorizing the payments of
invoices as presented for a total of $386,536.73, pending final audit and receipt of any necessary
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R54 was made by NS and seconded by CW, authorizing the payment of
$151.00 for travel expenses for Richard French.
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1. Election Resolutions and Motions
Resolution to appoint Board of Election.
A Resolution appointing the Fire District Board of Elections was tendered by NS, seconded by
BM as follows:
WHEREAS section 175-a of the Town Law provides for a system of registration for Fire
District elections; and
WHEREAS a register of eligible Fire District voters must be prepared prior to the Fire
District election; and
WHEREAS such register shall be prepared from names of persons who have registered
with the County Board of Elections;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following resident electors of the
North Greenbush Fire District No. 1 are hereby appointed to constitute the North Greenbush Fire
District No. 1 Board of Elections for the December 10, 2024 annual Fire District Election:
Mark Lacivita Election Chairman
James Oliver Election Inspector at WFD Firehouse
James Dickinson Ballot Clerk at WFD Firehouse
Janice Kerwin Ballot Clerk at WFD Firehouse
Janet Dickinson Ballot Clerk at WFD Firehouse
William Stewart Election Inspector at DFD Firehouse
Timothy O’Connor Ballot Clerk at DFD Firehouse
Michael Lashmet Ballot Clerk at DFD Firehouse
James Miner Ballot Clerk at DFD Firehouse
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman, Election Inspectors and Ballot
Clerks be compensated in the amount of $90.00 for their services in preparing the registration
records and attendance at the annual election;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in case any of the members appointed herein
are unable or refuse to assume or perform the duties required of them, this Board of Fire
Commissioners will appoint alternates who are resident electors;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, if clerical help is deemed necessary, this
Board of Fire Commissioners will consider the appointment of such clerical persons upon
request of the Chairman of the Fire District Board of Elections.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, the Board directs the Secretary to send a
letter to the Rensselaer County Board of Elections requesting a list of persons registered to vote
as of the 18th day of November, 2024 in all eight of the Town of North Greenbush elections
district. And request the Rensselaer County Board of Elections mail the list of registered voters
to the Fire District Secretary by the 20th day of November 2024.
The Chairman requested a roll call vote as follows:
Commissioner Richard French Aye
Commissioner Brian McCrae Aye
Commissioner Nick Scifo Aye
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Commissioner Chris Wilson Aye
Commissioner Daniel Garab Aye
Resolution to prepare the registration.
A Resolution was tendered by NS, seconded by RF for the preparation of Registration rolls in
conjunction with the annual election of the Fire District as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the North Greenbush Fire
District No. 1 having heretofore appointed a Board of Elections to comply with the registration
and voting procedures set forth in section 175 and 175-a of the Town law. , does hereby
designate the 25th day of November, 2024 as the date of the meeting for the Board of Elections
to prepare registration rolls for the annual election of the North Greenbush Fire District No. 1;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such meeting take place at the Wynantskill
Fire House (511 Church Street) to convene at 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM on that date for those Town
residents who reside in the Town of North Greenbush election districts 1, 3, and 7 and that such
meeting take place at the DeFreestville Fire House (350 North Greenbush Road) to convene at
6:00 PM to 6:30 PM on that date for those Town residents who reside in the Town of North
Greenbush election districts nos. 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a legal notice informing the residence
electors of the North Greenbush Fire District No. 1 of this meeting be published one time by the
Fire District Secretary in the official newspaper of the North Greenbush Fire District No. 1.
The Chairman requested a roll call vote as follows:
Commissioner Richard French Aye
Commissioner Brian McCrae Aye
Commissioner Nick Scifo Aye
Commissioner Chris Wilson Aye
Commissioner Daniel Garab Aye
Motion to post legal notice:
A Motion made by RF, seconded by NS directing the District Secretary to place a Legal Notice
in the official newspaper of the Fire District for the election of One (1) Commissioner, to serve a
5 year term commencing on January 1, 2025, to be held on Tuesday December 10th, 2024 and
for the preparation of the Registration Rolls on Monday November 25th, 2024.
The District Secretary is also directed to provide a copy of the Legal Notice to the North
Greenbush Town Clerk for posting on the Town’s municipal website, if available, and on the
Town’s bulletin board and signboard no sooner than November 20th, 2024 and no later than
November 25th, 2024.
The District Secretary is further directed to post a copy of the Legal Notice on the Fire
District’s website, no sooner than November 20th, 2024 and no later than November 25th, 2024.
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The Legal Notice must be published in THE RECORD by no sooner than November 6th,
2024, and no later than November 13th, 2024.
MOTION 24M48 carried.
RESOLUTION 24R57 was made by DG and seconded by RF approving the purchase of 3 Sets
of FF Interior Turnout Gear $16,315.44, 12 Reflective Traffic Vests $804.00, 4 Sets of FF Boots
$1,844.92 for a total cost of $18,964.36
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R58 was made by RF and seconded by DG adopting the proposed 2025
budget as the final 2025 Budget as proposed, amended and written by SK.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R59 was made by DG and seconded by NS approving the revised District
Policy NGFD019-2010 Mobile Communications Device Use Policy. Whereby the stipend for cell
phone reimbursement will increase from $40 per month to $55 per month not to exceed $660
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M49 was made RF, seconded by CW to enter (7:40 PM) into Executive Session for
the purpose of employment history or personnel matter of a participating member, Public
Officers Law (105, Sub F). Motion Carried.
MOTION 24M50 was made DG, seconded by BM to exit (8:24 PM) Executive Session, no
action taken. Motion Carried.
MOTION 24M51 was made CW, seconded by BM to move the November BOFC meeting to
Thursday, November 14th in observance of Veteran’s Day. Motion Carried.
MOTION 24M52 was made by RF, seconded by CW to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 PM.
Motion Carried.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Kerwin