North Greenbush Fire District No. 1
Minutes of the December 9, 2024 BOFC Monthly Meeting
Chairman Brian McCrae called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was
followed by a moment of silence for all departed District Firefighters.
Commissioners Present: Brian McCrae (BM), Nick Scifo (NS), Dan Garab (DG), and Rich
French (RF) attended.
Other District Staff: District Counsel Terry Hannigan (TH), Secretary/Treasurer Sean Kerwin
(SK) and Director of Purchasing Robert Durivage (RD) were present.
Public Session: None
MOTION 24M57 was made by RF and seconded by NS to approve William Barber and Joseph
Coonan from WFD as District Firefighters. Motion Carried.
MOTION 24M58 was made by NS and seconded by RF approving the facility use requests
from DFD & WFD. Motion carried.
MOTION 24M59 was made by DG and seconded by NS approving the facility use request from
WFD for a Superbowl Party. Motion carried.
Approval of Prior Month’s Minutes:
MOTION 24M60 was made by NS and seconded by RF approving the November Minutes.
Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report for the period ending 11/30/2024:
SK presented the Treasurer’s Report (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R66 was made by BM and seconded by NS to accept the Treasurer’s Report
as of November 30, 2024 as presented.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
Approval of Current Month’s Invoices:
SK presented the invoices/vouchers for approval by the Board (Copy attached).
RESOLUTION 24R67 was made by NS and seconded by RF, authorizing the payments of
invoices as presented for a total of $130,976.81, pending final audit and receipt of any necessary
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R68 was made by RF and seconded by DG, authorizing the fire district to
proceed in allowing Miller Animal Hospital to access a sewer manhole and easement for a sewer
line connection from their abutting property. Enclosed in this resolution are the conditions and
details of the approval in order to move forward with this easement & construction.
Sewer Line Path: The sewer line will be run along the westerly side of the Fire District
property, outside of the parking lot area. The sewer line will continue along the west side of the
Defreestville Fire Department’s pavilion. This route avoids encroaching upon utilities that serve
the pavilion, ensuring fewer conflicts.
Costs: All construction, professional and legal costs associated with the creation of this
easement and sewer line installation will be borne and paid for by Miller Animal Hospital.
Town of North Greenbush Approval: The Fire District will require a letter from the Town of
North Greenbush Utilities Department, confirming that running the approximately 2-inch low-p
pressure sewer line into the north manhole—eventually flowing into the Rensselaer Technology
Park Sewer District—is acceptable.
Property Restoration: Any disruption to the grass or landscaping on Fire District property will
be appropriately restored in a timely manner. Additionally, any damage to Fire District and or
Fire Department property or equipment will be repaired or replaced at no cost to the Fire
District or Fire Department.
Legal Approval: The Fire District’s attorney, Terrence Hannigan from Hannigan Law Firm,
PLLC, will have final approval of the easement and encroachment documents under the
direction of the North Greenbush Fire District No.1 .
Insurance Coverages: The Fire District will require that typical insurance coverages are met
and produced to the Fire District prior to any construction or work commencing on Fire District
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION 24R69 was made by NS and seconded by BM approving the renewal contract
for 2025 facility cleaning services of Derek Karandy (WFD Cleaning service at $128 weekly)
and CleanMaster Pro (DFD Cleaning service at $130 weekly).
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M61 was made by NS and seconded by RF to schedule the 2025 Organizational
Meeting on Monday, January 6
th, 2025 at 6:30 PM. The regular meeting will immediately
follow. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION 24R70 was made by RF and seconded by NS approving the training
authorization for Captains Jeff Stehr & Keith Slupski to attend the NYSAFC Company Officer
Leadership Training on 1/17 & 1/18 of 2025 in Fulton County at a cost of $400.00 for the
registration and applicable travel expenses. WFD was also approved to send two firefighters at
a cost of $400. This shall also be authorization for out of area training.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M62 was made by RF and seconded by BM to approve the driver training
applications of Nicholas Clute and Robert Shackelton from DFD. Motion carried.
MOTION 24M63 was made by RF and seconded by NS authorized the Director of Purchasing
and Counsel Terry Hannigan to proceed with completing an RFP for the Refurbishment of DFD
9-6 and send to qualified vendors without further board action. Motion carried.
MOTION 24M64 was made RF, seconded by NS to enter (8:40 PM) into Executive Session for
the purpose of employment history or personnel matter of a participating member, Public
Officers Law (105, Sub F). Motion Carried.
MOTION 24M65 was made NS, seconded by RF to exit (9:34 PM) Executive Session, no
action taken. Motion Carried.
MOTION 24M66 was made RF, seconded by NS to go back into regular session. Motion
RESOLUTION 24R71 was made by DG and seconded by NS approving the new position of
Deputy Secretary and directing Secretary Kerwin to notify DFD and WFD of this new deputy
secretary position with a job description. Interested parties must submit a resume and letter of
interest to the district secretary by January 3, 2025. The position’s annual compensation is
forecasted to be $10,000.
Chairman Brian McCrae requested a roll call vote: The Resolution passed unanimously.
MOTION 24M67 was made by NS, seconded by RF to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 PM. Motion
Respectfully Submitted,
Sean Kerwin
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