Author: Secretary/Treasurer

Highlights of WFD renovations

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

The 511 Church Street location has been the firehouse since 1980.

In 2015, a Building Committee was created to evaluate the fire station. 

In 2022, Phinney Design Group was retained to assist in upgrade consideration.

A Comprehensive Renovation/Upgrade plan was develop.

Financial Impact:

               Total Estimated Cost: $2,850,000

               Estimated Interest Rate on 15 Year Serial Bonds: 4.2562%

               2024 Forecasted tax increase: $ .45

               Estimated average home assessed value: $54,000

               Estimated household tax increase: $24.40

Property Tax Resolution

Published / by Secretary/Treasurer


Notice of Public Hearing  

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the North Greenbush Fire District No.1 will be conducting a Public Hearing on Monday February 13, 2023 at 7:00PM at the North Greenbush Fire District No.1 offices located at 350 North Greenbush Road Troy, NY 12180 for the purpose of soliciting public comment and hearing all persons interested in a proposed resolution to grant a partial property tax exemption for Fire District taxes for qualifying volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers; and

            PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that pursuant to Chapter 670 of the Laws of 2022 effective December 9, 2022, the state Real Property Tax Law was amended by adding a new §466-a authorizing local governments including the North Greenbush Fire District No.1 to enact by resolution, such partial tax exemption for Fire District real property taxes to qualified enrolled members of said emergency services organizations, following a public hearing; and

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the proposed exemption is for the primary residential real property located in the Fire District that is owned by an enrolled member of an incorporated volunteer fire company, volunteer fire department or incorporated voluntary ambulance service that provides services within the city, town or village in which the enrolled member resides to make a portion of the property exempt from taxation and assessments levied by the Fire District to the extent of ten percent (10%) of the assessed value of such property, exclusive of special assessments and subject to the requirements mandated by law.  

     Dated: January 19, 2023                                  Sean Kerwin, Secretary

North Greenbush Fire District

350 North Greenbush Road

Troy, NY 12180


Published / by Secretary/Treasurer

At the Regular Meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners held on January 9, 2023 the following resolution was passed: 

BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the North Greenbush Fire District #1 does hereby approve the expenditure of $23,107 (Twenty Three Thousand One Hundred Seven Dollars) from the Capital Reserve Equipment Fund for up-fit and capital improvements to the 2022 Chevy 2500 Utility 9 apparatus. The Capital Reserve Equipment Fund is a “type” fund as described by Paragraph 2.b of General Municipal Law Section 6-g.  This resolution is subject to permissive referendum.

Dated: January 10, 2023 

SEAN KERWIN, Secretary